Friday 27 January 2012

News From The Dojang - January 2012

As we enter 2012, it makes us think about our goals for the forthcoming year, as well as reflecting upon our achievements for the year just gone.

Last year at Halesworth & Lowestoft Kuk Sool Schools we celebrated our twenty fifth year. Although no formal commemorative celebrations were held to mark the occasion, everyone at the Schools quietly acknowledged the fact that we’d reached a significant milestone.

In October, Black Belt, Lee Clewer travelled to the USA to compete in two international Kuk Sool tournaments and ended up winning two major Championship titles. Sadly Lee has now left Halesworth for Australia, however not before students, family and friends gave him a surprise 'send-off' party at the Triple Plea, Halesworth.  

In November the Halesworth & Lowestoft Kuk Sool School’s raised over £1800 for Children In Need with a sponsored ‘board-breaking’ session.  A big thank you to everyone that participated and to all those people who sponsored us. Special congratulations to Kai Bucknor who individually raised the most money.

Also in November several instructor’s travelled to Liverpool for the UK Championships. Again Lee Clewer was up to his usual winning ways with another hoard of Gold and silver medals. However the main highlight of the weekend was the promotion of Kevin Clouting to 4th Degree Black Belt.

Kevin started training at Halesworth Kuk Sool at the age of ten years old.  Today Kevin has a prominent role as a senior instructor at the school. His three children Bethany, Kyle and Finn are all practising Black belts, making them our second generation of black belts. A big well done to Sa Bum Nim Kev.

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